Common Procedures

Ectopic canines are generally found in the Buccal Vestibule. Impacted canines may be retrieved with braces, using a surgical approach via a gold chain or straight wire. Tissue covering the tooth is uncovered. A chain or wire is attached to the tooth crown. Tissue is placed back over the tooth leaving the chain or wire coming out of the gum. For the purpose of this illustration a gold chain is used to retrieve the canines. The chain is attached to the tooth crown and the link is attached to a flexible archwire so that the wire is active (bent). Once a month, the wire is reactivated by using the next link up on the chain until the impacted canine erupts enough to attach a regular bracket on the canine. With the regular bracket in place, a more flexible wire is added directly to the bracketed canine. This process will bring the canine into position within the arch by forcing the canine to conform to the straight archwire form. This is a long process taking anywhere from 8-12 months.
Strip Crowns
Dental Anesthesia for Children
Trips to the dentist’s office can be a much more simple affair for some patients than others; for many of our patients, help from us to ensure a comfortable and successful treatment is a necessary part of their treatment. General Anesthesia is a great option to be considered by those who may struggle with age, behavior, medical history, or any other variables that makes the dentist office a challenge.
Our Doctors are experienced and willing to help all patients achieve their happy and healthy smile – when you schedule your appointment, ask us about anesthesia and how it may solve your child’s dental difficulties.
Schedule Your Pediatric Appointment Today
Why Choose Kali Smiles Kids
Proudly Offering A Welcoming Atmosphere
We pride ourselves on carefully listening to your concerns and providing you with the specific treatment that you require and desire. We treat one patient at a time and on time.
Our Practice Embraces Change
Insurance & Financing Options
No Insurance, no problem! At Kali Smiles we strive to make dental care accessible for all families and will do our utmost to work with our patients to create affordable payment plans.